Melody HD
Melody HD
Melody HD is one of the most famous online radio station on Peru. Melody HD is a popular internet based approach to a refined and listener oriented hd streaming quality radio station and radio services. Melody HD brings a lots of stuff with listeners taste in mind as of an online radio which is Melody HD. They have been able to secure a position of their own in order to survive as a popular radio medium.
Peruvian music is dominated by the national instrument, the charango. The charango is member of the lute family of instruments and was invented during the Viceroyalty of Peru by musicians imitating the Spanish vihuela. In the Canas and Titicaca regions, the charango is used in courtship rituals, symbolically invoking mermaids with the instrument to lure the woman to the male performers. Until the 1960s, the charango was denigrated as an instrument of the rural poor. After the revolution in 1959, which built upon the Indigenismo movement (1910–1940), the charango was popularized among other performers. Variants include the walaycho, chillador, chinlili, and the larger and lower-tuned charangon was invented during.
Radio Information: |
Location: Tacna, Peru |
Language: English |
Genres: Music, Pop, World Music |
Web Site: www.melodyhd.net |