Iranische Pop Musik
Iranische Pop Musik
Iranische Pop Musik is one of the most famous online radio station on Iran. Iranische Pop Musik aus Persien Rundfunk. Es ist in der persischen Sprache Betriebs. Dieses Radio ist eine der ersten Online-Persian Radiosender. Iranische Pop Musik spielt verschiedene Musikgenres Top 40 / Pop, Naher Osten Musik, Weltmusik.
Iranian music or Persian music, as evidenced by the archeological records of the Fertile Crescent civilization of Elam, the most ancient culture in southwestern Iran, dates back thousands of years. There is a distinction between the science of Music, or Musicology, which, as a branch of mathematics has always been held in high regards in Persia/Iran; as opposed to music performance (Tarab, Navakhteh, Tasneef, Taraneh or more recently Muzik), which has had an uneasy and often acrimonious relationship with the religious authorities and, in times of religious revival, with the society as a whole.Persian Symphonic Music has a long history. In fact Opera originated from Persia much before its emergence in Europe. Iranians traditionally performed Threeish, which in many respects resembles the European Opera. The first serious pieces of Persian symphonic music have been composed by Aminollah Hossein, Parviz Mahmoud and then Houshang Ostovar, Samin Baghtcheban, Morteza Hannaneh, Hossein Nassehi, Hossein Dehlavi, Ahmad Pejman, etc.
Radio Information: |
Location: Iran |
Language: Persian |
Genres: Talk, Traditional music |
Website: radioali.com |