Blues Radio UK
Blues Radio UK:
Blues Radio UK is a contemporary radio show that features popular music from the blues genre, jazz, soul, and much more. It is provided by the artist, producer, and host Jimmy Jordan. The program has been running since 1994 and is now hosted by the best-selling author and musician blues legend Mannie Lewis. Mannie began her illustrious career as a singer and songwriter with some success before becoming one of the country’s most beloved country musicians. She has been quoted as saying that she has always enjoyed playing the piano and she would “like to spend the rest of my life playing music”.
Blues Radio UK is presented by The National Association for Music. The NAM has been promoting music appreciation and social awareness. As part of this association, they have held numerous Blues Radio UK shows at their award-winning studios in London, Manchester, and New York. During these shows, they have gained a lot of acknowledgment and respect from a wide variety of artists and listeners.
Blues Radio UK is a great station to check out if you enjoy Blue’s music. It features original recordings and recent interviews with some of the best Blues performers. If you have not yet checked out this popular radio show, it is highly recommended because it features songs from prominent Blues artists as well as newer artists who have gained a lot of popularity within the blues community.
Radio Contact Info:
Radio Information: |
Location: UK |
Language: English |
Genres: blues |
Web Site: www.bluesradio.co.uk |