Radio Rogla
Radio Rogla
Radio Rogla is popular radio station in Solevian. This radio station is broadcasting from Slovenske Konjice, Slovenia. It is a 24 hours live online radio station streaming Rock music around the clock.
Pop, rock, metal, and indie music:
With more than 15 million views for the official a capella “Africa” performance video since its publishing on YouTube in May 2009 until September 2013,[11] that earned them kudos from the song’s co-writer, David Paich, Perpetuum Jazzile is the group from Slovenia that is internationally most listened online. Other popular bands, most largely unknown outside the country, include Tabu, Društvo Mrtvih Pesnikov (pop-rock), Siddharta, Rok ‘n’ Band, Pop Design, Naio Ssaion (Gothic metal), Terrafolk, Leaf Fat (screamo), Avven, Perpetuum Jazzile, Carpe Diem, Šank Rock, Big Foot Mama, Yogurt, Levitan, Dan D, Zablujena generacija, Katalena, Rock Partyzani, Shyam, Hic et Nunc, Devil Doll (experimental rock), Chateau, Posodi mi jürja, Čuki, Zaklonišče Prepeva, Psycho-Path, Dekadent (black metal), and Buldožer (progressive rock).
Slovenian post-WWII singer-songwriters include Frane Milčinski (1914-1988), Tomaž Pengov whose 1973 album Odpotovanja is considered to be the first singer-songwriter album in former Yugoslavia, Tomaž Domicelj, Marko Brecelj, Andrej Šifrer, Eva Sršen, Neca Falk, and Jani Kovačič. After 1990, Adi Smolar, Iztok Mlakar, Vita Mavrič, Vlado Kreslin, Zoran Predin, Peter Lovšin, and Magnifico have been popular in Slovenia, as well.
Radio Information: |
Location: Konjice, Slovenia |
Language: Slovenian |
Genres: Rock |
Web Site: www.radiorogla.si |