Radio L’Evangile
Radio L’Evangile:
Radio L’Evangile is a radio station that was created to promote the coming of Jesus Christ by using music, debates, Bible study, and discussions concerning the Word of God.
Radio L’Evangile is available as an app on your mobile phone so you can listen live to Radio L’Evangile broadcasts and church services. Radio L’Evangile has been broadcasting since 1991 with its headquarters in Dallas County, Texas where it reaches over 18 million people every week! Radio L’Evangelie’s mission statement is “to spread the Gospel message throughout our community.
” Radio L’Evangile has a wonderful staff of volunteers who work hard to spread the Gospel message! Radio L’Evangelie is also available on TuneIn Radio for an easy listening experience. Radio L’Evangile broadcasts are in French, but there are Spanish services every Monday at 12:00 PM CST and English services every Sunday at 11:45 AM CST. Radio L’evangelee’s website address is radiolevangile.org which you can visit today to listen live or download the app to your mobile device!
Radio l Evangélil e was created by David Derousseaux-Pelletier with the goal of promoting Jesus Christ through music, debates, Bible study, and discussions about God’s Word. Radio L’Evangélil e is a free mobile app that you can listen to live radio broadcasts and church services on your phone.
Radio l Evangélil e has been broadcasting since 1991 with its headquarters in Dallas County, Texas where it reaches over 18 million people every week! Radio L’Evangélil e ‘s mission statement is “to spread the Gospel message throughout our community.
“Radio L’Evanelile also offers Spanish services once a Monday at 12:00 PM CST and English services every Sunday at 11:45 AM CST if French isn’t your language of choice. Radio l Evanelile’s website address is radiolevangelie.org which you can visit today to listen live or download the app.
Radio l Evanelile broadcasts in French, but there are Spanish services every Monday at 12:00 PM CST and English services every Sunday at 11:45 AM CST if French isn’t your language of choice. Radio l Evanelile’s mission statement is “to spread the Gospel message throughout our community.” Radio L’Evangelil e boasts a wonderful staff of volunteers who work hard to spread the Gospel message!
Radio Contact Info:
Address: 702 Belton Highway Williamston, SC 29697
Phone: 864-847-4121