Radio Kajaus
Radio Kajaus
Radio Kajaus live broadcasting from Suomussalmi, Finland. You are Listening one of the popular online radio station Radio Kajaus. Radio Kajaus broadcasting 24 hours various kind of Variety music. Radio Kajaus is one of the most famous online radio station on Finland.
Radio Kajaus, officially Radio Kajaus Ltd (formerly Paikallisradio Kainuu Oy Kajaus) is one of Finland ‘s oldest local radios.It started operations in Kajaani 28. October 1989. Radio Kajauksen founded by Pekka Turpeinen and he served as managing director of the radio and the owner of his death 19. October 2008 until now. After the death of Ms Turpeinen Radio Kajauksen owned by his children. In October 2012 Kajauksen share capital bought Kainuu Aki Karjalainen and Antti Kela. In May 2014 Antti Kela bought Radio Kajauksesta Aki Karjalainen share. At the start of 2015 Light Channelacquired the Radio Kajauksen. Radio Kajaus has increased the number of existing radio and personalities in the television industry as Mikko Hannula ,Osku Laukkanen , Maria Leppänen, Markus Turunen, Heikki Kähkönen Pekka Vitikka, Juha Pine Court, Keijo Salo Kangas, Petri Julkunen, Anssi Leppänen, resonance Komulainen, Minna Hannula, Elina Nieminen, Petri Niemi, Riitta Old House, Anu Myllärinen, Katja Oittinen and Jarmo Campfire.
Radio coverage is currently Kajauksen local radios, one of Finland’s largest. It comprises over 700 kilometers of highway 5 driving th Kainuu , North East Uusimaa , Lapland and Northern Savo. In February 2013 coverage was expanded in Rovaniemi and in September the same year, the Upper Savo. Radio Kajausta can also listen to the Spanish Costa del Sol , where it works in cooperation with local radio. Since January 2011, the activities are also all over the world to listen to online radio.
Radio Information: | |
Location: Finland | Language: Swedish |
Genres: Variety | Web Site: www.radiokajaus.fi |