Radio Cultural Turrialba
Radio Cultural Turrialba
Radio Cultural Turrialba live broadcasting from Turrialba, CostaRica. Radio Cultural Turrialba brings a very popular educational and communicative radio station that connects their listeners with culture and heritage of Costa Rica. Radio Cultural Turrialba is one of the most famous online radio station on Turrialba, CostaRica.
In order to sensitize the population Turrialba, it held the second forum “Good práctiticas of childhood and adolescence” organized by the National Children’s Trust Turrialba. Where was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Public Education, Public Force, DINADECO, UNED. The event took place on Friday 1 July at the community hall in the neighborhood San Rafael, where issues in order to have a more active adolescents and involved in community development and likewise keep them away from touched “vices” and within a classroom.
For this, the MEP in conjunction with the National Children’s Trust PANI; are working with projects such as: Student Festiaval of Arts (FEA), the “Living Together Project” for development, identity and relationship between the young and “I pointed” the latter is aimed at schools with more dropouts in the Turrialba so have taken two schools to work with them as Grano de Oro. the purpose of “I pointed” to integrate more students into the classroom regardless of age or economic status, for that to have been made agreements with the IMAS order to provide financial assistance to families and likewise their children to attend schools. Other assistance that is provided is the psychological support this type of student population.
As guests to the forum were present Ms. Lisbeth Barboza Deputy Mayor Municipality of Turrialba, Ms. María del Carmen Alarcón, Eduardo Arrieta Regional Director of PANI Carthage and Patricia Vásquez Levinson presents Waldorf education.
Radio Information: |
Location: Turrialba, CostaRica |
Language: English |
Genres: Culture |
Web Site: www.radioculturalturrialba.com |