LamRim Tibetan Buddhist Internet Online Radio
LamRim Tibetan Buddhist Internet Online Radio:
LamRim Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio is an radio station and archive for Tibetan Buddhist teachings. Most of the content is in English.
At the point when Atiya, the organizer of Lamirim, came to Tibet from India, King Zhang Chub requested him to give a total and effectively available rundown from the tenet to clear some unacceptable assessment, particularly to clear their assessment.
Clear logical inconsistencies all through the sources and their critique. In view of this solicitation, he composed Bodhipathaprada (“Lamp while in transit to Awakening”), which showed the Tibetans what got known as lamrim. Atiya’s introduction of this tenet later came to be referred to in Tibet as the Kadampa custom.
As indicated by Tsang Khap, Atiya Maitreya-nath and Asagas took the number and request of the subjects of the Abhisamyalanka in his Lam Rim Chen Mo (“An incredible book of steps on the way to edification”), which depends on the wellspring of information Was made.
In Abhisamyalankar they underlined the mysterious significance of the equation. Tibetan Buddhists accept that Lamrim’s lessons depend on the sutras that the Buddha instructed and in this way remember for their intelligent request every one of the lessons fundamental for practice.
Shelkhakha, the author of the Gelug school, composed a show-stopper on Lamrim dependent on the Atiyar Kadampa school: an incredible book on the means of the way of light (Tib. Lam-edge Chen-mo) which is around 1000 pages in length, and initially on abstract sources. Based.
There is additionally a medium-length lamrim text by Sanghapa (200 pages) and a short book called lam-edge right-gift (TB), which is perused day by day by numerous Jelugapas and is around 10 pages long.
Lamarim was the primary Tibetan content to be converted into European language by Ippolito Desidiri, a Jesuit teacher who visited Tibet and did broad exploration on Tibetan Buddhism from 1–1–2121.
[study] Desidiri Sankhkhapar Lam Rim considered Chen Mo and his original copy portraying Tibet was perhaps the most definite and precise depictions of Buddhist way of thinking until the 20th century.
Radio Contact Info:
Email: radio@lamrim.com

LamRim Tibetan Buddhist Internet Online Radio