Guaro Mundo
Guaro Mundo
Guaro Mundo is one of the most famous online radio station on Venezuela. Guaro Mundo is the very first alternative medium in Venezuela. They are such a digital medium which is integrating all of their efforts in one place to provide best in class radio musical programs. Guaro Mundo is filled with entertainment, music, fun, interaction and so on which has made them a truly great radio.
Pop and rock music are very popular too, and several bands have had considerable success over the years. Venezuelan pop musicians such as Ricardo Montaner, Kiara, Karina, Los Chamos,Urbanda, Uff, José Luis Rodríguez “El Puma”, Franco DeVita, and Ilan Chester have gained popularity in other Latin American countries. On the other hand, same history for a lot of well-known bands like Devendra Banhart (Naturalismo), Los Amigos Invisibles (Acid Jazz), Desorden Publico (Ska/Pop), King Chango (Ska/Latin American music), Culto oculto (Experimental/Rock), Caramelos de Cianuro (Pop/Rock), Mikel Erentxun (Pop/Rock), Tan Frío El Verano, La Vida Bohème and the now extinct but influential groups (Sentimiento Muerto) (Post-punk), (Zapato 3) (Pop/Rock), and Dermis Tatú (Rock).In the late 90s a very strong electronic music movement spread through the country. Several big multimedia festivals took place, such as “Caracas No Duerme,” “AX,” “Petaquire,” and “Mare Nostrum.
Radio Information: |
Location: Venezuela |
Language: English |
Genres: Pop, Top 40 |
Web Site: www.guaromundo.com |