107.9 Life FM
107.9 Life FM
107.9 Life FM live broadcasting from Australia. 107.9 Life FM is one of the most famous online radio station on Australia. They broadcast various kind of Variety music. Christian Radio Inc has been on-air full time since October 1993. It took some 20 years to obtain a broadcast license for Adelaide’s only Christian radio station. Now it broadcasts on both the FM band (1079 Life) and the new digital network (Lift Radio). The station is an interdenominational organisation run by a board of Christian business people with a wide range of expertise. The station is not owned by any church or para-church organisation. Christian Radio Inc is a registered not-for-profit organisation and as such 1079 Life and Lift Radio are financed by memberships, donations and sponsorship.
1079 Life aims to challenge and influence contemporary thinking by presenting a biblical worldview, through broadcasting, that leads people to a revelation of God’s grace and encourages them to connect to the local Christian Church as followers of Christ. This is a community radio station. It is a community of announcers. It is a community of listeners. It is a community of supporters. But most of all, it is a community of people just like you and me. People with real needs, real friends, and real opportunities. As you let this radio station into your community, we pray that what you hear on air will encourage you and your friends as you walk through life. We also pray that Jesus can be part of your community. After all, Jesus impacted his community in a way unlike any other person before or since. He can impact yours!
Radio Information: |
Location: Australia |
Language: English |
Genres: Pop |
WebSite: lifefm.net |